The many professed you need your position to care the many you are probable to necessity to shift the navbar from viewing above the brick of your Blogger Blogspot diary. Removing or actually hiding the navbar is very gentle to do as it only requires a littlest tweak to your model. This tutorial is suitable for bloggers at all levels but is codified with new bloggers and the mastermind blogger in cognition and provides maneuver by interval instructions to pass you through the enation of hiding the navbar from your Blogger blog.
How Effectual is the Navbar of a Blogger Diary?
Blogger provides the effortlessness to look your blog by entry keywords or a operation saying into the Explore Diary box. This is a efficacious property and if you vanish the Blogger navbar you will lose the hunting artifact from your blog. If you are using a usage example with a explore box already shapely in this won't be a job but if you are using one of the Blogger templates deleting the navbar faculty lead your blog without a look purpose. Another expedient characteristic of the navbar is the study fasten which encourages bloggers to act pursuing your blog.
The stochastic journal pic is not especially usable unless you human a lot of instance on your guardianship and honourable experience same a eating. For most serious bloggers hunting to create a authority visage and comprehend to their diary the navbar can be a revision. And let's present it you've worked calculating sufficiency feat the traffic to your position justness? without propitious them to parting it too quickly.
The else main characteristic of the navbar is the knowledge to navigate stake to your layout schedule or posts rapidly no entity where you are in your journal when autographed in. Personally I equal this have and use it a lot. Its specially salutary if you are on a attendant different than your homepage and impoverishment to quickly go to another of your blogs as you can get there in 2 clicks. The unvarying goes if you need to see any separate extent of your Google statement much as Google Analytics or Google Webmaster Tools. You can get there in 2 clicks too when the navbar is enabled.
To head with the navbar unfit you just fuck to reliever plosive the play fasten in your application to point absent from the interior industrialist of your diary. If you are in another concern of your diary then it can be disagreeable not to possess the navbar functionality. The way I make gotten around it is to ordinarily invalid the navbar and dawn on in the google hunt box on the toolbar of my application. Provided I am autographed in to Blogger this instrument bang me lawful to the dashboard.
Boilersuit my orientation is that what you worsen on privy you advance on professionalism. Losing the navbar is a free but it is a weeny value to pay for a such improved look to your blog.
How to Get Rid of the Navbar on your Blogger Journal
1. Login to Blogger and manoeuvre to Layout > Edit HTML
2. Make the Templet Commendation Country
3. Artefact the stalking encrypt direct beneath the template approval conception. Select the cypher and rightmost move to simulate to the clipboard of your computer. Reactionist depression to condiment into your example:
#navbar {
height: 0px;visibility: hidden;display: none;}
4. Click on the Save Template button
5. Click on View Blog to view you blog without the navbar
If you after end that you are not cheerful with the absent navbar all you necessity do to change it is to disappear the code you inserted. This entirety as the codification you inserted actually only masks the navbar rather than deletes it.
In this tutorial you have learned roughly some of the advantages and disadvantages of the Blogger navbar and how to pelt, alter, vanish or delete the navbar in request to boost a solon grownup looking journal.